Raz-B: Things You Have to Know About The Comatose Singer

In 16 August Raz-B had has been attack in nightclub in China in brutal way, and he felt into coma. There was a fight in nightclub in china and he tried to break up it but he smashed with a bottle in the face and felt into coma.
There are many things we have to know about this great singer, Raz-B and his band give the life to R&B music in the beginning of 2000. They were Omarion, Lil’s Fizz, J-Boog, B2k and Raz-B made great  music and songs as “What A Girl Wants” and “Bump Bump Bump” they made great achievement in the world of music.
Raz-B does not only great singer, he is also good actor. He proves himself in acting through many moves. He is although very famous and he is international star who has a big number of fans and especially in China and that makes the attack which he had in the nightclub is so tragic. He made many big shows in Beijing, Shanghai and many Chinese cities.
Although our singer is injured, he signed with Dutch music label and he was working in studio album with Kameleon Music Group.
In 2012 he had very bad accident when falling through a glass door, the accident had slashed his wrist, he lost a great amount of blood before reaching to the emergency room and that made him suffered a lot, but he return to his normal life after few months.
Raz-b is a famous singer and great man who has many difficulties in his life but he always stands in front of all this hard which makes him stronger.
He tries to prove that he is a good star and he success and became famous star in music world, we all wish him good health and happy life.      

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