Joseph Gordon Levitt says “ Would just be distracting”

Joseph Gordon Levitt, the director and writer and star, said in interview about his new movie that he did not be naked in the movie for the part but because “ it would just be distracting”.
Josef Gordon Levitt talked about the movie in the interview and said that the film is not about brutal realism. It is a comedy movie and it has a story than he added that there is no reason to have any nudity.
There are many questions that are asked to Joseph Gordon in the interview as why the movie is showing the male nudity in a romantic comedy way? And they asked him if he had some horrible accident with a thresher when he was child?
Then the presenter asked him that he used the word “ faggot” in the movie and it is very suitable to the role but was there any discussion or hesitation to use this word?
Joseph answered that  he used it when he feels threatened . when his friend that there is a girl that is hotter than his girl then he said the word because he feels insecurity, and when the person feels insecurity directly uses this hateful language.
The presenter asked him if he prepared for extra attention he may have from the gay community? Joseph laughs and said that he did his best about this character and to play it in the right way but about the bodybuilding he said that he lost most of his weight.
Then the presenter asked him if he will share in Channing Tatum? He replied that it is possible and he added that Chan and I like the idea of doing musical together. They are working about it he does not know how and when they will do it but they will try to do it.    

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