Love Story of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in Photos

Two stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt married in France on Saturday 23rd August 2014.

When the star Angelina Jolie underwent a mastectomy, the Hollywood star revealed the news in a letter to The New York Times, she praised the love and support she received from her boyfriend Brad Pitt.

Brad Pitt Linked to Angelina Jolie officially in 2012.

This reflects that Brad Pitt's very lucky where Angelina stuck him steadily.

A bright smile of the couple in front of the cameras at Cannes in 2011.

Photo taken by camera lenses for the couple in Scotland.

Brad Pitt whispering in the ear of Angelina Jolie forgetting that the eyes of thousands of their fans watching them.

Image collected between the two stars in 2009.

Image showing the extent of happiness on the faces of the two stars.

Usual smile reflects the understanding between the two stars, even in awards ceremonies.

A new snapshot combines Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Image combines two stars at the Cannes cinematic in 2007.

The couple married in France

Amazing photo of the couple reflects their love and understanding

What a wonderful photo of the couple

Wonderful love story of two stars in photos

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