An earthquake with magnitude 6.0 hit Northern California and Governor declares emergency ( Photos)

Early Sunday , the San Francisco Bay area is struck by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 , prompting governor of California . Jerry Brown to declare an emergency state, as the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The Earthquake happened before 3:30 a.m. Pacific time which is far away about ten miles northwest of American Canyon, and it is sex miles southern of Napa, In California, according to the Associated Press, as Leslie Gordon of USGS said .

Since the devasting 6.9 magnitude Loma Prieta quake in 1989, the current one considered the largest to shake Northern California as the USGS said.

And it resulted from this quake destroying dozens of historic buildings and breaking 5o gas line and 30 water main according to officials of the city.  

And after the temblor , four homes were destroyed by fire at a mobile –home park .

Thus , officials declared that they are working on securing downtown area and identifying the most damaged structures.

And one of the city’s population called Jay Jacob, who lives on and owns the Cuttings Wharf Vineyard in Napa described the area as a disaster.

Jacob said that they have no electricity , and lines are down everywhere, it knocked over  a cabinet full of clothes , and TV knocked off the stand , and all pictures flew off the wall.

Jacob does not think that there is a damage in his 20 years old house or his vineyard although other wineries didn’t escape damage.

Daniel Weintraub said that he witnessed number of earthquakes including Loma Prieta in 1989 , but he didn’t remember being awakened by an earthquake in Sacramento , considered an earthquake-free zone.

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