Justin Bieber recklessness threatens handicapped woman and two children

"Justin Bieber" continue in his reckless actions and driving a motorcycle illegally, and was almost to cause a disaster.
Although he earned a penalty to undergo observation for two years, but that did not prevent the singer "Justin Bieber" of driving of tri-wheel motorcycle in "Beverly Hills" illegally on the sidewalk, and was near to cause an incident after he approached to a woman of special needs, and two children, was just around to run over them.
"Daily Mail" Report pointed out that "Bieber" approached very to passers-by and was near to collide with them, though, he continued pressure on the gas pedal and passed across from the aisle with difficulty without touching anyone of the passers-by, to pass the situation peacefully, despite the state of the awesomeness that sailed aspects of passers-by.
"Bieber " appeared in the recorded video driving his motorcycle BRP Can-Am Spyder RT-S and obtained recently compared to 27 thousand dollars, while the back of a shirt loose trousers leather, and heard both in the neighborhood loud music that listens to them, "Bieber" during the enjoyment of his dangerous tour.
"Bieber" tried to hide his personality as much as possible after that stop the use of the motorcycle, by leaving the helmet on his head as it is, but the tattoo, which overlies the arm and ordered him to expose his bodyguards, and made it easy to identify him without having to see his face.

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