Justin Bieber recklessness threatens handicapped woman and two children

"Justin Bieber" continue in his reckless actions and driving a motorcycle illegally, and was almost to cause a disaster.
Although he earned a penalty to undergo observation for two years, but that did not prevent the singer "Justin Bieber" of driving of tri-wheel motorcycle in "Beverly Hills" illegally on the sidewalk, and was near to cause an incident after he approached to a woman of special needs, and two children, was just around to run over them.
"Daily Mail" Report pointed out that "Bieber" approached very to passers-by and was near to collide with them, though, he continued pressure on the gas pedal and passed across from the aisle with difficulty without touching anyone of the passers-by, to pass the situation peacefully, despite the state of the awesomeness that sailed aspects of passers-by.
"Bieber " appeared in the recorded video driving his motorcycle BRP Can-Am Spyder RT-S and obtained recently compared to 27 thousand dollars, while the back of a shirt loose trousers leather, and heard both in the neighborhood loud music that listens to them, "Bieber" during the enjoyment of his dangerous tour.
"Bieber" tried to hide his personality as much as possible after that stop the use of the motorcycle, by leaving the helmet on his head as it is, but the tattoo, which overlies the arm and ordered him to expose his bodyguards, and made it easy to identify him without having to see his face.

Singer Chris Brown is being subjected to an assassination ( photos)

News reporters confirmed the injury of the music producer "SUG Knight" and singer "Chris Brown" who was shot attacking him after the show, which was hosted by the latter in the "Los Angeles."
Press reports confirmed the exposure of the singer "Chris Brown," aged 25 years and who was recently released on parole, to a shooting attack after the concert, which was organized by the club 1OAK in "Los Angeles."

"Daily Mail" Report pointed out that the paramedics thought that "Brown" was not being hurt any harm and that three other people suffered injuries sporadic, including the founder of Death Row Records for the production of the musical "SUG Knight" where they were transferred immediately to a hospital Cedars Sinai to receive first aid needed.

The Singer "Tyson Beckford" a member in Black Eyed Peas was at the former preparatory concert Festival VMA Special for musical awards, confirmed that he had heard the sound of gunshots at the 1 and 30 minutes in the morning, where he heard specifically the voice of 4 shots, and then "SUG Knight" went from the nightclub to see a police officer took him immediately to the nearest hospital to receive the necessary first aid.  

The report indicates that "Knight" wounded already two bullets one of which lodged in his stomach and the other in the arm and is currently undergoing surgery, while noting the police report that gunmen suspected of involvement in the incident were arrested, and are being questioned at the moment to find out the real culprits, it was closed all roads around the place, and the same thing about the nightclub with a call to a group of attendees for questioning about the incident.

The concert was attended by "Justin Bieber" and rapper The Game and some believe that the intended target from behind the armed attack is "Chris Brown" himself and not "Sig Knight.

An earthquake with magnitude 6.0 hit Northern California and Governor declares emergency ( Photos)

Early Sunday , the San Francisco Bay area is struck by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 , prompting governor of California . Jerry Brown to declare an emergency state, as the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The Earthquake happened before 3:30 a.m. Pacific time which is far away about ten miles northwest of American Canyon, and it is sex miles southern of Napa, In California, according to the Associated Press, as Leslie Gordon of USGS said .

Since the devasting 6.9 magnitude Loma Prieta quake in 1989, the current one considered the largest to shake Northern California as the USGS said.

And it resulted from this quake destroying dozens of historic buildings and breaking 5o gas line and 30 water main according to officials of the city.  

And after the temblor , four homes were destroyed by fire at a mobile –home park .

Thus , officials declared that they are working on securing downtown area and identifying the most damaged structures.

And one of the city’s population called Jay Jacob, who lives on and owns the Cuttings Wharf Vineyard in Napa described the area as a disaster.

Jacob said that they have no electricity , and lines are down everywhere, it knocked over  a cabinet full of clothes , and TV knocked off the stand , and all pictures flew off the wall.

Jacob does not think that there is a damage in his 20 years old house or his vineyard although other wineries didn’t escape damage.

Daniel Weintraub said that he witnessed number of earthquakes including Loma Prieta in 1989 , but he didn’t remember being awakened by an earthquake in Sacramento , considered an earthquake-free zone.

Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible fifth in Vienna

Of the highest building in Vienna's famous opera capital of Austria, the star of "Tom Cruise" is captured during filming Part V of Mission Impossible.
Pointing to the attention of hundreds of fans of the population of the city, "Vienna", "cruise" appeared at full capacity and activity, which climbed to the top of Opera House in the city, where he was cast greetings and smiles petition on his audience and fans of the residents of the area who had gathered below the building to see him during the filming of some scenes within his new film Mission Impossible5.

The published pictures in a report conducted by the "Daily Mail" show filming "Cruise" to motion scenes, where he played his usual role in this series, who embodies the character of "Ethan Hunt”, one of the clients IMF American "Task Force Impossible". Which requires him to wear a T-shirt blessed and a pair of jeans color darker and brown shoe and sunglasses "RayBan," and that during his interview with the actress Swedish "Rebecca Ferguson" who seems to be participated with him in the leading role of this part and with the film's director, "Christopher Mack Quarry."

"Cruise" was seen on the previous day of filming in front of the Opera, smiling during greeted by hundreds of fans from the Swede audience to take pictures with him and get with him autograph, before he climbed to the top floor of the building to come out to his balcony and cast on this crowd greeting the last before filming. The report adds that after the completion of filming scenes in "Vienna" "Cruise" will go to the UK to complete the movie scenes.   

According to the report also "Cruise" will not only starred in the film, but will also participate in the production with the producers, "David Ellison" and "Jay-Jay Abrams." In addition to "Rebecca Ferguson" "cruise" will be participated in the starring each of "Jeremy Renner" and "Big Simon" and "Alec Baldwin."

Surprises are the most important in the MTV awards 2014

Bloods , snakes and cries ..it is some of the surprises of network MTV awards concert for music over the past three decades .. With the approach of this year's ceremony scheduled on Sunday, there is fierce competition among artists to provide the best tricks.

rock star Beyonce and new rapper Iggy Azalea topping list of candidates for this year's awards Each of them is a candidate to win eight awards. Winners will receive "Munman" statues During the ceremony, which takes place on the stage of Foram after recently renovated In Inglewood, California.
However, the ceremony is rarely focused on the winners, but all eyes will be focused on the performances and surprises.

Since its inception in 1984, the MTV awards ceremonies associated with humor and improvised moments.

Among the famous footage stunts clothes of musical recordings presenter Howard Stern in a ceremony in 1992 and Boogie performed by Britney Spears holding a snake in 2001, and a concert in 2009 full of events when Lady Gaga smeared the blood on herself.  

Amy Doyle, executive director of the MTV awards ceremony Said " each artist In concert sees one of the moments of the live review and the most competitive offers , everyone show the best of what he has to kidnap sight. 

"Because they know that a lot of the historical record musical moments In this concert they want to be part of the history of such concerts."

and Beyonce compete -who hijacked attention in 2011 when he revealed her pregnancy during the concert- to surpass itself this year with one of the most ambitious reviews.

Doyle said, "she will make every effort to do what other artists do not try to do."