Chicken with Balsamic Sauce Recipe

Preparation time: 15m, Cooking Time: 30 m, the meal is enough for 4 people.
Give yourself a delicious chicken flavored with balsamic sauce wonderful beside fresh asparagus sticks and nutritious, here's the recipe of chicken with balsamic sauce …
    Salt to taste,
    Black pepper to taste,
    Islands freshly sliced thin, 6 pcs
    Fresh Asparagus, 16 tablets
    Mustard, a large spoon
    Olive oil, 0.50 Cup
    Balsamic vinegar, 0.25 Cup
    Chopped chicken
How to prepare
- Put a little olive oil in a pot on the fire and add the carrots, asparagus sticks, salt, black pepper, and mix them for five minutes.
- Put the chicken in a deep pot and add to it mustard, black pepper , and Arise , put them in the tray with a little olive oil and put them inside a hot oven for 20 minutes .
- To work balsamic sauce Put the balsamic vinegar in a pot on the fire and adds the salt, black pepper, and let boil for 10 minutes.
- Put the chicken in a serving dish, and add the balsamic sauce and feet with carrots, asparagus, and enjoy the wonderful taste.
Chicken benefits:
Chicken is food fortune because chicken eggs and chicken meat are from the most important and best sources of nutrition for the body and basic health.
Chicken meat occupies a good ranking in the food pyramid in order to contain multiple nutrients and beneficial to the body (good quality proteins for the body, good healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals). It is one of the most important meats after fish. In total white meat are of higher nutritional value of red meat, so what we mean and we are concentrating on here is a white chicken meat without skin (i.e., chicken breast).

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